Bucket head in contrast to Disney's corporate action
As stated in Popular culture by Guins and Cruz, Disney, an American film company, continuously works hard to project their films from piracy. Disney “filed 28 suits against more than 1,322 defendants. One of the largest actions was in 1991 when Disney filed against 123 California companies and 99 Oregon companies for unauthorized use of characters in various types of merchandise.” ( 184, Guins and Cruz) In the music industry, musical artists could file suits against copy right violators of their music as well. For example, if Bucket head, an extremely unique, non stereotypical, and bizarre musical artist (that continues to wear a fried chicken bucket on his head during his performances), finds out that another musician has decided to use Bucket head’s song that he created without his permission on his or her next CD he could sue for copyright violation.
In contrast to most musicians, Disney is a bit extreme with their copy right values. “Disney sued the academy of motion pictures arts and sciences when performers dressed as snow white characters were used in the academy rewards presentation without Disney’s permission” (185,Guins and Cruz) I don’t think that Bucket head would sue if a bunch of people started conducting their performances with buckets from the nearest fried chicken fast food restaurant on their heads. Bucket head is a musician from the mid-70s and who made it his goal to inform others of how badly treated chickens are on chicken farms and how he experienced living on a chicken farm. He has a great goal in mind, but he still comes off as being a bit bizarre since he is different from the majority of other musical artists and because his persona is unordinary. One of his most popular most popular songs is called Night train.Im sure bucket head would love for others to spread the word of how chickens are treated and breed in prepration for slaughter and selling.Disney on the other hand would not want other people dressing up as some of their characters to promote something without their permission. Even the US postage service that provides stamps couldnt have "free use" over Disney's characters just to celebrate American animation. Why wouldnt Disney want free advertisment from fans and the us postal service? What exactly are they trying to protect? Their image? Their characters from misuse?
Disney might be a bit over protective with their claims on their characters that they have created, but they have every right to be and Bucket head who may or may not be overprotective with the copyrights of his songs and persona has every right to be as well. here is a clip form one of Bucket heads perfomances: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-woe3SCAaA
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