Emilie Autumn and pop culture
According to the book entitled Popular culture by Guins and Cruz, " Culture is one of the two or three most complicsated words in the english language. This is so partly because of its intricate historical development, in several european languageas, but mainly because it has now come to be used for important concepts in several distinct intellectual disciplenes and in several distinct and incompatible syatems of thought....culture in all its early uses was a noun of process: tending of something, basically crops or animals....from the tending of natural growth was extended to a process of human development. " ( Ruins and Cruz 25 and 26) Popular, according to Guins and Cruz, has various meanings such as ' in great favor with the common peopleor full of the people" ( Guins and cruz, 58 and 59) When popular and culture are put together the meaning of the two words combined come to mean " The expression of the spirit of a nation or a people" ( Guins &Cruz, 59) The word popular culture and the society in which we live makes me think of musical artists and how they must express themselves using their lyrics and their persona. Musical artists are a big part of popular culture becuase they are a part of our society and represent the sulture of our society and the developing intricits of our society. I am interested in bizzare musical artists because they are unique additions to pop culture and change continuously. Usually things that are bizzare end up being well known and thats why bizzare musical artists relate to pop culture. Bizzare musical artists raise a series of thought provoking questions such as how they relate to the upcoming generations, what promps the artists to progress from the society accepted norm and how they may not be considered the norm.
I enjoy listening to one particular artist called Emilie Autumn. She is from the UK and is quite original. She is considered bizzare by many individuals because of her clothing style, musical style, and lewd/unusual lyrics. She raises questionable themes in her music which is sometimes masks by the happy beats in her songs. She is an inspiration for all individuals to be themsleves and accept themselves for who they are. She also inspires individuals to question what is considered the " normal" or "accepted" in our society.Here is a link to her music video of her song called Marry me in which she raises some historical themes which shock many different listeners: